Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hey, it's still Thursday

And with 3 hours to spare, here is today's update: My latest Ezinearticles submission.

People are facing a terrible financial burden right now, especially in America. The job security and economic conditions we've taken for granted for the last 10 years are starting to come apart due to a decade of irresponsibility. Freelancers especially are becoming more desperate. The money and the dream of being independent of traditional American minimum wage slave labor drive us to take projects that really should be left alone. Today, we will learn when NOT to take a web content writing job.

These principles apply to copywriters as well as content writers and every other kind of freelancer. We all want to be paid for something we enjoy, but what happens when we're asked to take less than the finished product is worth? Should we sacrifice our time just to have a job, no matter what the quality? The answer is no. Our time must be saved for the important work of finding the jobs that pay what we're worth.

Pay isn't the only qualifier for an unacceptable job; Sometimes, the jobs themselves aren't worth taking. Some subjects aren't right for most writers and some clients aren't meant to be clients. You don't want your name attached to a customer should be flipping burgers instead of selling products with your words. This article will give some helpful clues in identifying a job not worth taking at any price, before it's too late.

The key factor is 99% of unworthy jobs is pay. Five dollars for a reasonable length article is the bare minimum for fluent English speakers. Leave the $1/500 words junk for the phonies. Never take a low paying job to build reputation. A reputation as a writer who writes for pennies isn't a reputation you want to have. Also remember, if you are only worth a small payment for a client, you are very replaceable. Try to write at a quality that you would never give up for less than $5.

Now, how can a job be worthless even with a large paycheck? There are several ways into this apparent paradox: A job that will not lead to more jobs; A job that exposes you to an abusive client; and a job that is not practical to complete. For writers, the best way to end a job without a job to follow it is if you don't get credit. Clients will ask for full copyright, meaning you can not use their writing as a sample. The best reaction to this is to simply raise your rate. If you're writing with no recognition, make it for enough money that you don't need the follow-up. Usually, these clients will simply refuse the price.

The next reason to reject a job less obvious. You will seldom see an ad announcing that a job is for an abusive client. Instead, there will be subtle hints in the ad. Some of these include preemptive temper tantrums like warnings in capital letters and whining before they've even selected a writer for the job. You also have to look out for disingenuous phrases like "I prefer proper communication" which translates to: "I will send you thirty emails a day asking why you haven't finished the project, 25 of them before the deadline." These clients will harass you in every way they say and more. Also, don't be surprised if there is a lot of "confusion" from their end about the price you agreed to and how many articles you've done.

The final warning for a writing job that you should NOT take is the subject. Many ads will not mention the subject. You need to ask. There are many, many more subjects requiring articles than any individual writer will take. Some writers like to write about men's cufflinks, feminine hygiene products and male enhancement. Many of us don't. Find out what you're getting into before you take the job.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New Ezinearticles post is up; Read it here Thursday

Discipline is the key. I must become more disciplined. Aside from that, I signed up for classes next semester so there is a drizzling of excitement forecasted for the next few weeks. I've put up another article from my Ezinearticles set. If that goes live before Thursday, you'll get to see this update early.

In addition to classes, I've picked up a new client who will be selling my writing. Therefore, I'm going to have to cut out some of the ezinearticles set. My new tentative plan for the unfinished parts of that set is:

April 11. What kind of Hamburgers
April 13. Three Awesome Myths for Your Story
April 15(See, there's two days between all of these ones). Better Nutrition Label Glossary
April 17 Why you Should NOT get into information Technology
April 19. Using the OSI Model in Every Day Life

And the Ezinearticles set will be finished with 7 articles, from there, I will only add partial content from other sets to give a little variety for potential clients. As my research shifts, there will be more examples on this blog from personal finance, entrepreneurship, memorization techniques, methods for writing, and Who Cares About 20th Century US History? A new set that will hopefully answer that question. In between, I'll try to find some time to start my Robin Carnahan set and take another shot at Glenn Beck.

Monday, April 12, 2010

How to Bring Down your Retirement “Number”

I've recently been asked to put up some finance articles for a client. I'm not a big fan of finance writing; I'm only a mediocre fan of personal finance writing, but that is what this client is going to get. To move myself into a finance-writing state of mind, I'm going to write a sample for you guys about that dreadful personal retirement number.

This “number” as it is referenced in some stupid investment commercial is the amount of money you need to save to live the way you want for the rest of your life without working. From what I understand in the commercial, you then spend all that money on a large object that advertises that exact figure to everyone around you. You then have to carry the object around everywhere you go and attempt to protect it, unless you save it in this particular bank which will make the object more durable.

Anyway, most of the articles I'm putting together will be about boring crap like keeping debt down, bringing savings up, maybe a little bit about how to invest...everything to get to that number faster or at all. I've been thinking though, maybe America is looking at this problem the wrong way. Maybe instead of making our savings larger, we need to be making that magic number smaller.

If you're like me, you expect, if you retire at 60, that damn medical science is going to keep you alive just as long after retirement as you were working. You need a way to cut down those post-retirement expenses and I don't mean stockpiling coupons and harassing the cashier to give you 3 cents per unit off of every kind of produce you buy. You need some substantial ways to lower that magic number. Here are five excellent ways to do that.

#1: Take up Smoking

If you consider the cost of food, rent, electricity and healthcare for normal wear and tear for every month after you turn seventy, the cost of cigarettes is actually pretty low. You could trade the long agonizing death from living old age in poverty to the comparatively short and painful death from the many harmful results of smoking. Also, it seems to have some short term benefits for the people who do it.

#2: Drink More

This is great combined with the method above. There are known liver and kidney problems caused by alcohol. Less organs not only means less money spent taking care of them, but also a shorter lifespan. Of course, this isn't the biggest benefit of drinking. Drinking is the greatest way to make irresponsible choices, which is great for bring the number of years you'll have to buy booze and grits down.

#3: Get Married(Females only)

This advice only works for females. According to Elizabeth Gilbert's book Committed, women who get married are less successful in life and more likely to die a violent death, fall into alcoholism, etc. This will not work for men, however, because this comparison is reversed for males. Single men are likely to die a violent death, fall into alcoholism, work a dead-end job all their life, etc than married men.

#4: Eat at McDonalds

Or any similar fast food outlet, really. As long as you consume more calories than you burn. This will ramp up your chances for heart attack, stroke, suffocating due to getting stuck in doorways, and many other fun ailments. Not only that, but people who are obese also have the benefit of their body naturally wearing down and aging faster than those who try not to live like a fat piece of crap.

#5: Vote Republican

If you're really out to stop medical science from prolonging your life, the best way is to stop all scientific development, education and continue the country's previous path to the collapse of the unsustainable healthcare industry. Throw on some unnecessary wars and ultra-unnecessary tax breaks for the wealthiest one percent of Americans and you will be set for a miserable nonfuture for all of America.

If you manage to perform all five of these things, the amount of money you will need when you leave the working world can be substantially reduced, possibly all the way to $0!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Moving to weekly updates

From now on, I am going to post SOMETHING every Thursday. So you, my loyal viewer or viewers can come back on Thursday and count on at least one update. Maybe more if I get something done during the week.

Last week, I finished the first article for my Ezinearticles set, then I encountered vicious Internet Access-sucking bats who attacked in force. This not only hindered my posting, but also my research for my articles. Look for more in the future. For now, here is my first sample work: "How to Get an Essay Done"

How to Get an Essay Done

This isn't an uncommon scenario if you're a college student: You have thirty pages of textbook questions for your other classes, your friends are inviting you to this week's big party and one of the cute girls you've had your eye on has finally agreed to go out with you. You're a smart guy, you could handle this situation, but you have a six page essay due tomorrow and you haven't even started. You're in trouble.

There is an answer to this problem, commonly faced by both high school and college students. This works for essays of all types, speeches and with a little tweaking it can be applied to any major project. Here are the steps explaining how to get an essay done and getting top marks in the process.

Step 1: Start Early

The above scenario is unfortunately not winnable. You can get the essay done, but you will have to sacrifice your sleep, your homework for the other classes, your friends and even the girl. Hey, college is all about learning, right?

Of course, the fact is these conflicting workloads are a reality everyday in college. How can you start on this essay, that isn't due for two weeks, while you have an even bigger project due for another class, two parties and a beer drinking contest? You have to break it up.

Step 2: Research

Do your research as soon as you get your topic. Run to the nearest computer the second class ends, push the poor schmuck who is on it out of way. Google your topic and print off the first three results, print of the Wikipedia page, check out some big heavy books about the subject, get it to your room and then you're free for the rest of the day, but you have to come back tomorrow for the next step.

Step 3: The Outline

Bring your printouts with you to school and by the time your classes are over, you need to read at least the Wikipedia page, hopefully the Google pages as well. Once again, you'll have a ten page list of assignments for your other classes and maybe even unrelated assignments from the same one. Sadly, you have to add “The Outline” to that list.

Decide what your main points are and write them down. Find some information to support those points and write that down. Organize appropriately. The outline should take about 10-30 minutes depending on how well you know your topic.

Bonus Step 3.5: Time Management

The next step is going to be writing. That is a hard one. Obviously you don't want to spend enough time on the writing step to be confused for a responsible and driven college student, so here is what you do. Estimate the time required for the homework of each of your other classes. Take a mean average(add the times together, divide by the number of classes) and then assign yourself that amount of time to work on your paper. Alternatively, split the paper up into daily milestones based on your outline.

Step 4: Writing

There are many factors that come into this step, but your outline should give you a clear, easy direction. Your introduction should include the strongest or most unexpected point about your topic. After your introduction, pick off your main points one by one. Do a little quote mining from your hardback sources and throw them in, properly cited, with quotation marks and carry on supporting your points.

Remember proper paragraph organization. Start each paragraph with a point. The paragraph starting with a main point should serve as a list of supporting points and then give each of those points a paragraph of their own. The first sentence should include the point; the next section of the paragraph, one sentence or two, should be an argument or implication of that point and the last section of the paragraph should be cold, hard facts about that point. For example, this paragraph organization method is included in the curriculum of 100% of high schools and has been suggested to increase standardized test scores by an average of 52% scores in the essay section.

There are a couple important things to remember in the writing step to get your essay done and get an A in the process. Use proper grammar and sentence structure. Sentences start with a subject. The subject is followed by a verb and the sentence ends with an object. Do not allow your sentences to run or go too long. Keep your thoughts clear and organized, never stray too far from the outline.

Step 5: Turn it in

If you follow these steps, you should get your essay done without spending any more time per day than you do on any other class. Your high grade and your time are a great reward.

Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm Glad I'm not Promoting Yet

So, I got about 3-5 on my previous posting schedule and it's been about a month since I've put anything here. These aren't good signs, but luckily, no one is around to see it. I've had a lot to deal with from the last month including working full time, changing jobs, setting up for a move into a new apartment, locating the new apartment, dealing with the details of restarting my education, ramping up my nutrition plan, having my head held underwater in an aquarium for over a minute, various high speed chases and watching every episode of Boy Meets World.

Yeah, I think it is enough to justify the use of the abominable "a lot." In the meantime, I've had just as many great ideas of things to write, how to market them and what kinds of jobs to apply for. Also, I fired my first client for continued harassment. My goal for the month of April is to write at least one article a day, obviously this goal will be altered if clients require it, if you need more than five articles a day, special rates will apply.

Because all of my previous work was done for a client who required full copyright, I now have to redouble my efforts to market myself. To this end, I am going to do a ten article set to be posted on Ezinearticles. Hopefully, at some point during this time, I will stop writing in passive voice.

Ezinearticle Set:

1(by April 1). How to Get an Essay Done
2(by the next day, April 2). The Harm Caused by Revisionist History
3(by April 3, are you starting to see how this works?). When Not to Take a Website Content Job
4. Products Copywriters DON'T want to Sell
5. What Kind of Hamburgers?(How to Pick a Religion when every road leads to Hell)
6. Three Awesome Myths for your Story
7. How NOT to Write Stupid Fantasy
8. Better Nutrition Label Glossary
9. Why you Should NOT get into Information Technology
10. Using the OSI Model in every day life.

Number 2 is going to be the hardest to research and I'm going to get started on these early. I'm planning to take this "public" after I write the controversial religion primer. So, if you really think I'm going to follow the deadlines, other people should be hearing about us starting around April 5. My series on Robin Carnahan and my series on Writing should get started sometime after the tenth. Hopefully I'll have a couple clients that will make those series extremely inconvenient to produce.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Introduction to Dieting

Let's get started by saying that all the fad diets are crap. Can we agree on that? If it has a fancy name or you buy a book dedicated to this one particular diet, it's not worth your time. This means you Atkins, Caveman Diet, Glycemic Index and anyone I may be forgetting. Don't let anyone tell you what to eat. Learn what's in your food, eat what you need and cut the crap.

Now that we have that crowd out of the way, listen closely: IT IS NOT OKAY TO BE OUT OF SHAPE. What? That's right. No. We, as people, have a tendency to acquiesce to our surroundings. Most of America is fat. Our friends are fat and we are fat. Therefore it must be okay. Well, no it's not. Your friends who aren't fat who pretend it's okay are only being nice to spare your feelings. They work hard to stay in shape. We have no right to put this burden on them.

That's right, I'm one of you. I'm 5'11 and 211 pounds. I say it's not okay, but in the back of my mind I'm always saying “It's not that bad, you look alright, at least you're not as fat as they guy over there.” This kind of thinking has to end. The only time it is okay to be overweight is when you are less overweight then you were the day before. You're the same weight the next day? Time to go for a jog. This is a problem, a threat, that requires constant action. Now that we have that out of the way, let's cover the very basics.


Calories are almost a little too simple. You take in less calories then you burn and you lose weight. Unfortunately, something always seems to go wrong in the execution. We aren't going to get into the nuances of calories today. We're just going to cover the basics. Starting with the Basal Metabolic Rate. This is the amount of calories you burn just by laying in bed all day. You calculate your BMR with this formula:

67 + (6.24*Your weight in pounds) + (12.7*Your Height in inches) – (6.9*Your age) = BMR

So for me that would be 67+(6.24*211) + (12.7*71) – (6.9*24)
Which comes out to be 2119.74

It would be extremely difficult for me to only take in 2119.74 calories, so obviously I have to exercise to increase my maintenance calories.

The real key to cutting calories is water!

Water. Water. Water. Water. Water.

Water is the basis of life for everything living on Earth. It allows your body to make full use of all the nutrients you consume and it has 0 Calories. If you start the day by drinking water and continue to sip on water all day long, drinking nothing else, you won't be as hungry when meal time comes around and you'll have more energy.

How to Eat

This is where most of us get it wrong. It's easy to say “I'm not going to be a fatass and eat 4000 calories worth of junk today” but the way we eat causes us to consume far more calories than we should. The first mistake we make is eating enough food for an entire day in one meal. The mechanisms our brain uses to tell us when we aren't hungry are slow, so we can wolf down five cheeseburgers in half an hour before we say “okay, that's enough” Instead, what we have to do is get the jump on our hunger. Eat something as soon as you get up before your stomach has time to even make a suggestion and then take in a 300-400 calorie serving every 3-4 hours. Before you know it the day is over and you have avoided gouging yourself with greasy fast food or junk.

I'll end this entry with a simple 3 step process everyone can follow
1.Drink more water
2.Eat a healthy breakfast as soon as you wake up
3.Space out short meals by 3-4 hours and keep your food far enough away that you have to burn some calories getting to it.

We'll be revisiting this subject in future entries where we will explore increasing maintenance calories with the Harris Benedict Equation, What makes nutrients so great, why breakfast tastes so good and we'll be following my progress as a strive to no longer be a gelatinous embarrassment to American culture.

Glenn Beck: A Case Study in Media Terror

He is the latest face of Republican propaganda and he is good at what he does. He does radio. He does TV. He does books. He does quasitreasonous resistance groups. Armed with nothing but a pen, a microphone and a twenty three million dollar salary, Glenn Beck does it all. He is a member of the Church of Latter Day Saints and a Libertarian leaning Conservative and he is stealing the hearts of everyone in the trailer park. So, who is he and we do we care?

Glenn Beck Works for Fox News

Don't let the name fool you. They are the highest rated cable news network in America, but they have zero credibility. Everyone has heard the claims that Fox News has a conservative bias. They claim that only their commentators have a conservative bias and their news is right down the middle. Unfortunately, the right-wing propaganda machine has been caught time and time again misrepresenting the facts. You can see it in their polls that tell you 70% of Americans think Obama is doing worse than Hitler would as President. You can see it in their doctored clips of Democratic politicians and their great big headlines “IS OBAMA INDOCTRINATING OUR CHILDREN?” Fox News alone isn't enough to get you written off as a nutjob, but it's a good start.

The Tea Party Movement

Everyone is familiar with the new craze of going out and protesting against the government. Fiscal responsibility and irresponsible government spending are ostensibly the cause for the panic. But why weren't there any tea parties when the government eliminated its budget surplus and gave a $1.7 trillion entitlement to the top 1% of earners in this country? Or when we spent $1 trillion on a war with no just cause?

What's even more terrifying about these protests is the tone. The “Boston Tea Party” was an act of wanton destruction that preceded the Revolutionary War. The people who did the original Tea Party followed up by waging war and overthrowing the government. People seem to be overlooking that and the fact that these lunatics are bringing firearms to town hall meetings should be making some of us just a little bit uncomfortable.

Glenn Beck and 9-12 project not only supports these maniacs. He organized them and in many cases delivered pamphlets containing misinformation to rile up senior citizens all over the country. Glenn Beck had Chuck Norris on his show to ask the people of Texas to secede from the union. No lie, it really seems like he wants to have a second Civil War.

5 Best Selling Books

Oh yeah, surprisingly these protestors with their bullcrap and their signs bearing threats of violence against the government and racist and abhorrent messages actually read. One of these books is called “How to Argue with an Idiot.” Lunatic anarchists have no sense of irony.

Another of Glenn Beck's masterpieces is “Common Sense” a stab at Thomas Paine's monumental work. Glenn Beck's version has factual inaccuracies on every page as well as a slew of unfounded insinuations about every Democratic politician sense Franklin Roosevelt.

I'll only mention one more of these abominations: “An Inconvenient Book” which is a stab at Al Gore and the inexplicably politicized movement to end global warming. Glenn Beck has acknowledged that global warming is backed by solid science and that mankind has a hand in it, but that's not going to stop him from writing a book to help create the illusion that there are two credible sides to this very dangerous, factual matter.

Now that we've covered who Glenn Beck is and what he stands for, it's clear that something needs to be done. Glenn Beck isn't some sort of demon or antichrist, he is simply a mortal man with a cause and a 23 million dollar salary. Glenn Beck is an important enough figure that everyone, regardless of stance, should study him.

Learn the 9-12 principles, memorize the falsehoods employed by Beck and his followers and never overlook the spreading of misinformation by him and his ilk. I will be regularly revisiting the avatar of Libertarian hate speech for this blog. Remember, the only way to fight a fear-mongering liar like Glenn Beck is by staying informed.

Friday, February 26, 2010

About Me

Name: James Horner
Age: 24
Occupation: Tutor/Writer
Subjects I am competent with: Basic Math, English, History, Guitar, Website Content, Copywriting, Religion, Mythology, Fantasy, Nutrition, Personal Finance.
Subjects I specialize in: Information Technology, Networking, Customer Service, Politics

I graduated from Linn State Technical College in 2006 with an Associates Degree in Networking Systems Technology. The mission statement of that school is to give students the tools and knowledge they need for the working world and to prepare them for a lifetime of learning. Since High School, my education has always taken wide, unfocused paths. There are still many fields I haven't explored that are interesting to me. Writing gives me the opportunity to learn subjects I'm interested in while still pursuing financial success. I've spent the last three years working retail and developing my ability to relate to and work with other people. This has been extremely rewarding and has unexpectedly lead me down a long path of personal achievement.

When I'm not working my free time is spent exercising and reading.

Introductory Writing Rates

For articles 300 words or less $.005/word
For articles 301-500 words $.0075/word
For articles 501 or greater $.01/word

Rates are based on words requested. Allow for some articles to be longer, you will not be charged for additional content. Rates will be increased for short deadlines or large batches of very similar articles. Informative or interesting content will be given priority over sales material. For full copyright, all articles will be at least $.05/word

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Future Posting Schedule

Tomorrow: Biography

Tuesday: Introduction to Dieting

Friday: Glenn Beck by Renro

Next Tuesday: Robin Carnahan by Renro

Next Friday: The Challengers!

Far off future: Methods for writing

Pretty lofty plan for the next two weeks.

Renro: The Blog

I did a blog similar to this on Geocities called "BaggerRenro." It was all about my personal life, ethics and the 2008 Missouri Governor's race. I eventually had to shut it down due to time constraints in real life. This reincarnation is going to be a little different. I've already taken the first mile in the journey started by BaggerRenro and have become a more interesting person.

This blog is going to melt away the seams of personal and professional. I've started article writing on the side and I'm gearing up for the next mile in my journey: Continuing my education. So, within the as-yet unwritten pages of this blog, you'll be able to find boring professional information.

However, this isn't going to be exposition and information. I'm also going to include a section that is fun to write. Here we will tackle the biggest problem to emerge in this country in the last two years: Militant Radical Anarchists and we'll try to put together some interesting information the Missouri 2010 Senatorial Race.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, drop them in the comment section and I will be sure to take a look.