Friday, March 26, 2010

I'm Glad I'm not Promoting Yet

So, I got about 3-5 on my previous posting schedule and it's been about a month since I've put anything here. These aren't good signs, but luckily, no one is around to see it. I've had a lot to deal with from the last month including working full time, changing jobs, setting up for a move into a new apartment, locating the new apartment, dealing with the details of restarting my education, ramping up my nutrition plan, having my head held underwater in an aquarium for over a minute, various high speed chases and watching every episode of Boy Meets World.

Yeah, I think it is enough to justify the use of the abominable "a lot." In the meantime, I've had just as many great ideas of things to write, how to market them and what kinds of jobs to apply for. Also, I fired my first client for continued harassment. My goal for the month of April is to write at least one article a day, obviously this goal will be altered if clients require it, if you need more than five articles a day, special rates will apply.

Because all of my previous work was done for a client who required full copyright, I now have to redouble my efforts to market myself. To this end, I am going to do a ten article set to be posted on Ezinearticles. Hopefully, at some point during this time, I will stop writing in passive voice.

Ezinearticle Set:

1(by April 1). How to Get an Essay Done
2(by the next day, April 2). The Harm Caused by Revisionist History
3(by April 3, are you starting to see how this works?). When Not to Take a Website Content Job
4. Products Copywriters DON'T want to Sell
5. What Kind of Hamburgers?(How to Pick a Religion when every road leads to Hell)
6. Three Awesome Myths for your Story
7. How NOT to Write Stupid Fantasy
8. Better Nutrition Label Glossary
9. Why you Should NOT get into Information Technology
10. Using the OSI Model in every day life.

Number 2 is going to be the hardest to research and I'm going to get started on these early. I'm planning to take this "public" after I write the controversial religion primer. So, if you really think I'm going to follow the deadlines, other people should be hearing about us starting around April 5. My series on Robin Carnahan and my series on Writing should get started sometime after the tenth. Hopefully I'll have a couple clients that will make those series extremely inconvenient to produce.